It was such a treat to see my little stars in action. Megan, the perfectionist, had all the boys in her dance group following her every move. Kaylin cried the moment she came on to the stage hand-in-hand with her Teacher. She bubbled most of the time until she saw Mum and Dad waving at her in the front row, then she wanted to show us her moves. But by then, it was too late and the group had almost finished their piece. She didn't understand why they were all leaving the stage when she was ready to "gooi it" and then she tried to come on with the next group of boys and a Teacher had to come and pluck her off the stage again.
It was certainly not as good as previous years. The stage was too dark, the guy who did the music cocked up the order of the songs - twice. They gave the little ones such complicated moves to learn so it looked as if they didn't know what they were doing or where to stand.
And the front row was so close to the stage that we could literally see what colour toe-nail polish everyone was wearing. I'm only 5 foot tall and I could put my legs and feet up on the front of the stage. I still have a crick in my neck.
Teachers danced, teachers sang, students did their thang. It was still such a treat to see my girls on stage in costume - even if they did absa lootly nothing, I'd still be soopa proud.
In the foyer
The famous bug outside
The girls' artwork
The Opening Thank You Messaes, Bible Reading and Prayer from the Grade R's
Megan's Teacher Lelanie and Teacher Erna doing the Teacher's Dance
Some of the decor
Kaylin's first moments on stage *angel tears*
After she saw Mummy and Daddy in the front row - off to dance!
Megan and Alex (best friends) doing the Sailor "S.O.S." moves.
When they turned around they had SOS written on their backs
Megan and Alex